FusionAuth releases SimplePass

Why enter a password when the system can do it for you?


Published: April 1, 2021

FusionAuth is proud to announce a breakthrough in user security, SimplePass™. This new technology helps users around the world remember their passwords.

The problem

It’s long been known that passwords are:

  • easily forgotten
  • frustrating to end users
  • and generally a huge PITA

The solution

The FusionAuth R&D team, with decades of experience in security and software development, saw a clear market opportunity and went to work.

“The feature is remarkably simple,” said CTO Daniel DeGroff. “Rather than requiring an email address AND password to login, now we just ask them for their email. Then FusionAuth shows them their password. We literally show the user their plain text password. We store it in plain text anyway, so we thought, what the hell! We can even enter their password in for them if they don’t know how to copy and paste.”

DeGroff continued: “After completing the initial prototype we looked at each other in disbelief and said ‘Holy $@%!, I can’t believe nobody thought of this before’. I’ll never forget it.”

Understandably proud of the team and their recent breakthrough, DeGroff confidently added “We’re disrupting passwords. I don’t even know what that means, but I’m pretty sure that is what is happening.”

Here’s a brief demo showing this innovative new technology:


CEO Brian Pontarelli was skeptical of the technology at first. However, when shown how easy it allowed him to log into his Hotmail account, he was blown away.

Said Pontarelli, “I thought Passwordless was the future, I suppose everyone did. But this is way simpler and way more secure. I mean, nothing is more secure than your eyes, and you have to use your eyes to read the password.”

Pontarelli went on to say “This technology is so important for the whole world. We are making the technology publicly available today and I will call it SimplePass™, because it’s so simple.”

SimplePass™ - Disrupting passwords, since now.

As part of the R&D process, extensive user experience testing was performed to validate the research. In one trial, FusionAuth presented two login forms to Peter Starke, a systems analyst. One was the typical username and password (boring) and the other used the SimplePass™ technology.

Peter was quick to choose the form with SimplePass™ technology, stating “I mean, it types the password for me! Now I don’t have to remember anything to log into my bank account. It’s great!”

He added “Maybe they could work on entering my email address, I’m always forgetting that too.”

Addressing some security “experts”

However, the FusionAuth team would like to address some criticism. Since the announcement, FusionAuth has come under fire from the security industry.

These “experts” state that this feature, while helpful to users and obviously beneficial to the login experience, could be exploited by experienced hackers.

Our reply: “Haters gonna hate. You don’t know crap about security.”

Also, Happy April Fool’s Day!

More on april fools

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