6 Ways The FusionAuth API Is GDPR Ready

FusionAuth is ready for the GDPR in 6 important ways.


Published: March 5, 2019

The GDPR is a complex regulation, but at its most basic level it requires organizations to provide “data protection by design and default.” FusionAuth is built with a powerful REST API that gives developers the tools they need to adhere to the requirements of the GDPR quickly and easily. On May 23, 2018 FusionAuth’s CEO Brian Pontarelli presented to Colorado’s technology leaders about how the GDPR and data privacy will affect US companies, and went into detail about how the FusionAuth API is well-suited to help companies stay GDPR compliant and avoid risks of fines and data restrictions for data protection violations.

Principles of Data Protection

Instead of defining explicit processes that could quickly become out of date, the GDPR outlines basic principles to guide data collectors, controllers and processors to establish and maintain data privacy throughout their customers’ lifecycles. This provides a flexible framework of concepts so each company can comply with the regulations in a way that best fits their data structure and usage model.

The FusionAuth API was designed with a similar conceptual framework and provides developers with a toolbox of functionality that can easily do what GDPR demands. In his presentation, Brian outlined the specific code that the FusionAuth API uses to allow developers to quickly implement data-protecting features with minimal effort. He covered some of the most important aspects including:

  • Providing ALL user data when requested
  • Deleting ALL user data
  • Correcting and restricting data for review
  • Protecting data software and hardware
  • Identity security for passwords, hashing, and storage
  • Consent management and history storage

For more information download our Developer’s Guide to the GDPR. It covers the essential information developers need to understand to stay compliant and avoid steep fines possible under the regulation. If you have additional questions on the challenges of identity management and the GDRP, please contact us.

Learn More About FusionAuth

FusionAuth is designed to be the most flexible and secure Customer Identity and Access Management solution available at the best price. We provide registration, login, SSO, MFA, data search, social login, user management and more, 100% free for unlimited users.

Find out more about FusionAuth and download it today.

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