@chee Who are your DNS records with? Are those configured correctly?
RE: CORS Error when sign in
RE: Is it possible to change the Tenant issue domain?
@netstack hmm, Did I read this part correctly?
I tried the same with re-generating and adjusting the URL's directly at the application. But still the URL's remain unchanged.
Does this mean that even when you update the urls in the application, the change does not take. Or the change takes, but still does not work?
Would it be possible for you to send a screen shot of your config? Please be sure to redact any sensitive info before posting.
RE: CORS Error when sign in
@chee Thanks for the details. It looks like you have it mostly configured correctly. In the error message, I see: 'Host header: onemeta-dev.routing.fusionauth.io'. That seems a bit off. Where is the onemeta-dev configured?
RE: Is it possible to change the Tenant issue domain?
@netstack , Adjusting the issuer URL at the Tenant level will not update the Applications URLs. If you have many applications and plan to change often, you can use the APIs to make sure all the applications get updated appropriately.
Please check out this as well:
After modifying the Tenant issuer, you should also update the JWT configuration for your applications:
Navigate to "Applications" in the admin UI.
Click on the edit icon for the application you want to update.
Go to the "JWT" tab.
Change both "Access token signing key" and "Id token signing key" to "Auto generate a new key on save...".
Save the application.
It's important to note that you must create new keys after modifying the Tenant because the Issuer field is embedded in the key. -
RE: Unable to connect to Postgres Database.
@pc Was anything changed before the reboot? What prompted the reboot?
RE: How to deal with sign-up spam?
@theogravity-sb Hmmm. So the issue is that someone is registering with a gmail account they control but it looks like this:
foo@gmail.com with a name of <Dan https://evil.com> which is being turned into a link?
Or am I misunderstanding your question?
RE: Login Without Authentication Page in FusionAuth but with SSO Session Cookie
@cristian I asked around a bit, and unfortunately I don't have a great answer for you. I think this information about FusionAuth SSO just confirms what you already know.
On a slightly brighter note, someone helped me find this open GH Issue that you should probably follow that might help down the road.
In the meantime, does anyone have any other advice or suggestions for @cristian?
RE: Generic Lambda
I just took another look and jwt.aud may get you what you need in both instances as well.
RE: Generic Lambda
@mcad-pha Depending on your situation, there may be a few options.
If you assign the Lambda to the Access Token Populate lambda for the application, you can access the applicationId using jwt.applicationId. This would give you 1 function you could share across the applications if it works for you.
- If you assign the same lambda to the Id Token Populate lambda, you will get undefined.
If that does not work you may be able to use the fetch command in the Lambda. This would allow you to create a single function and have each of the applications call it, passing in the applicationId. This is only available in an Essentials or Enterprise plan.
- Reminder: If you have a paid plan, also remember you can access support through the Customer Account Portal as they may be quicker to respond.
RE: Webhook Error
@paul-1 Is it possible that the your code (i.e. //lots of code) is taking too long to process? Can you try to take out most of the code and see if that prevents the time out?
As far as the "testing" goes, it seems odd that there is different data. Have you tried to capture the data actually sent vs what you are testing with and see if there is a difference?