Dev Tools
Enjoy these web based developer tools that our team has put together.
Base64 Encoder & Decoder | Encode & Decode Base 64 Online | FusionAuth
Encode and decode Base64 online with FusionAuth’s free tool. Convert text to Base64 or decode Base64-encoded data for secure encoding and transmission.
Epoch & Unix Time Converter | Convert Timestamps Online | FusionAuth
Convert Unix and epoch times using our online epoch Time Converter tool. Convert timestamps for debugging, log analysis, and more.
Online JWT Decoder
Learn how JWT refresh tokens work and how to use them to authenticate and authorize your APIs.
Online URL Encoder & Decoder
Encode and decode URL parameters online with FusionAuth’s free tool. Convert special characters for safe transmission and decode encoded URLs instantly.
Online UUID Generator
Generate UUIDs online, including UUID v4. Use FusionAuth’s free tool to create random 32-character unique identifiers for secure and standardized identification.