
Python Django

Python Django

In this quickstart, you are going to build an application with Python and Django and integrate it with FusionAuth. You’ll be building it for ChangeBank, a global leader in converting dollars into coins. It’ll have areas reserved for users who have logged in as well as public facing sections.

The Docker Compose file and source code for a complete application are available at https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-quickstart-python-django-web.


For this Quickstart, you’ll need:

General Architecture

While this sample application doesn't have login functionality without FusionAuth, a more typical integration will replace an existing login system with FusionAuth.

In that case, the system might look like this before FusionAuth is introduced.

UserApplicationView HomepageClick Login LinkShow Login FormFill Out and Submit Login FormAuthenticates UserDisplay User's Account or OtherInfoUserApplication

Request flow during login before FusionAuth

The login flow will look like this after FusionAuth is introduced.

UserApplicationFusionAuthView HomepageClick Login Link (to FusionAuth)View Login FormShow Login FormFill Out and Submit Login FormAuthenticates UserGo to Redirect URIRequest the Redirect URIIs User Authenticated?User is AuthenticatedDisplay User's Account or OtherInfoUserApplicationFusionAuth

Request flow during login after FusionAuth

In general, you are introducing FusionAuth in order to normalize and consolidate user data. This helps make sure it is consistent and up-to-date as well as offloading your login security and functionality to FusionAuth.

Getting Started

Start with getting FusionAuth up and running and creating a new Django application.

Clone The Code

First, grab the code from the repository and change into that directory.

git clone https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-quickstart-python-django-web.git
cd fusionauth-quickstart-python-django-web

All shell commands in this guide can be entered in a terminal in this folder. On Windows, you need to replace forward slashes with backslashes in paths.

The files you’ll create in this guide already exist in the complete-application folder, if you prefer to copy them.

Run FusionAuth Via Docker

You'll find a Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml) and an environment variables configuration file (.env) in the root directory of the repo.

Assuming you have Docker installed, you can stand up FusionAuth on your machine with the following.

docker compose up -d

Here you are using a bootstrapping feature of FusionAuth called Kickstart. When FusionAuth comes up for the first time, it will look at the kickstart/kickstart.json file and configure FusionAuth to your specified state.

If you ever want to reset the FusionAuth application, you need to delete the volumes created by Docker Compose by executing docker compose down -v, then re-run docker compose up -d.

FusionAuth will be initially configured with these settings:

  • Your client Id is E9FDB985-9173-4E01-9D73-AC2D60D1DC8E.
  • Your client secret is super-secret-secret-that-should-be-regenerated-for-production.
  • Your example username is richard@example.com and the password is password.
  • Your admin username is admin@example.com and the password is password.
  • The base URL of FusionAuth is http://localhost:9011/.

You can log in to the FusionAuth admin UI and look around if you want to, but with Docker and Kickstart, everything will already be configured correctly.

If you want to see where the FusionAuth values came from, they can be found in the FusionAuth app. The tenant Id is found on the Tenants page. To see the Client Id and Client Secret, go to the Applications page and click the View icon under the actions for the ChangeBank application. You'll find the Client Id and Client Secret values in the OAuth configuration section.

The .env file contains passwords. In a real application, always add this file to your .gitignore file and never commit secrets to version control.

Create A Basic Django Application

Next, you’ll set up a basic Django project with a single app. While this guide builds a new Django project, you can use the same method to integrate your existing project with FusionAuth.

Set Up Your Environment

You should work in a virtual environment for this.

python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate

Using venv isolates Python dependencies for this project locally so that any dependencies used by other projects on your machine are not affected.

Create a requirements.txt file to list the project dependencies with the following content.


Then install the dependencies into your virtual environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create The Application

Create the default Django starter project.

django-admin startproject mysite

Now create a .env file in your mysite folder and add the following to it (note that this is a different environment file to the one in the root folder used by Docker for FusionAuth).



Create an app within your mysite project.

cd mysite
python manage.py startapp app
cd ..

Now you will work from the top down to set up authentication URLs in the project settings.py, then in the application urls.py, then the views.py, and finally, the HTML templates for the views.

Project Settings

Overwrite your mysite/mysite/settings.py contents with the following code.

import os
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv

ENV_FILE = find_dotenv()

BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
DEBUG = True


AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('mozilla_django_oidc.auth.OIDCAuthenticationBackend',)

OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = os.environ['ISSUER'] + "/oauth2/authorize"
OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = os.environ['ISSUER'] + "/oauth2/token"
OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT = os.environ['ISSUER'] + "/oauth2/userinfo"
OIDC_RP_SCOPES = "openid profile email"
OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT = os.environ['ISSUER'] + "/.well-known/jwks.json"
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "http://localhost:8000/app/account/"
LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = os.environ['ISSUER'] + "/oauth2/logout?client_id=" + OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID


ROOT_URLCONF = 'mysite.urls'

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'app/templates'),),
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

WSGI_APPLICATION = 'mysite.wsgi.application'

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',

    {'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',},
    {'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator',},
    {'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator',},
    {'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator',},

USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
USE_TZ = True

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'

Here, your app and mozilla_django_oidc are added to the list of INSTALLED_APPS. The authentication library from Mozilla is set up by mozilla_django_oidc and the OIDC_OP_ constants imported from the .env file. This automatically handles the interaction with FusionAuth on the endpoints configured in this file and the matching ones configured in the kickstart.json file that you used to initialize FusionAuth.

Project URLs

Overwrite the mysite/mysite/urls.py file with the following code.

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import include, path
from django.views.generic import RedirectView

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('app/', include('app.urls')),
    path('oidc/', include('mozilla_django_oidc.urls')),
    path('', RedirectView.as_view(url='/app/', permanent=True)),
  • The admin site is the default Django admin.
  • The app URLs are for the app you created in your project.
  • The oidc URLs are automatically generated from the settings you configured in the previous step.

App URLs

From this point, you’ll create files in the mysite/app application folder, not in the main mysite/mysite project.

Create a mysite/app/urls.py file and set its content to match the project URLs.

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.app, name='app'),
    path('account/', views.account, name='account'),
    path('logout/', views.logout, name='logout'),
    path('change/', views.change, name='change'),

App Views

Now overwrite the mysite/app/views.py file. The code below will create three pages: the home page, the account page, and the make change page.

from json import loads
from math import ceil
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.conf import settings

def app(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return render(request, template_name='home.html')
    return redirect('account')

def account(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect('oidc_authentication_init')
    return render(request, 'account.html', {'email': request.user.email})

def logout(request):
    # https://mozilla-django-oidc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html
    # When a user logs out, by default, mozilla-django-oidc will end the current Django session. 
    # However, the user may still have an active session with the OpenID Connect provider. In this case
    # the user has been directed back to the FusionAuth server to end the session there. FusionAuth will redirect
    # back here. This is where servers side cleanup will happen, if needed.
    return redirect('app')

def change(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect('oidc_authentication_init')
    change = { "error": None }
    if request.method == 'POST':
        dollar_amt_param = request.POST.get("amount")
            if dollar_amt_param:
                dollar_amt = float(dollar_amt_param)
                nickels = int(dollar_amt / 0.05)
                pennies = ceil((dollar_amt - (0.05 * nickels)) / 0.01)
                change["total"] = "{:,.2f}".format(dollar_amt)
                change["nickels"] = "{:,d}".format(nickels)
                change["pennies"] = "{:,d}".format(pennies)
        except ValueError:
            change["error"] = "Please enter a dollar amount"
    return render(
            'email': request.user.email,
            'change': change

Here’s what these views do:

  • The app view, or home page, redirects the user to the account view if they are already logged in.
  • The account view checks whether the user is logged in. If the user is logged in, it returns the account page template, passing in the user’s email address returned from FusionAuth. If the user isn’t logged in, they are redirected to the login page. This also happens in the change page.
  • The logout view is necessary because you need to clear the session for the user in Django after the user logs out of FusionAuth. FusionAuth sends the user to this view after logging them out, which then returns them to the home page.
  • The change view looks longer only because it demonstrates how to do some calculations if the request is a POST instead of a GET. These calculations are then passed to the template in the change variable to display onscreen.


The final step is to create the HTML pages and style them with CSS. Copy the static and templates folders into your app. Use the appropriate command for your operating system.

# linux, mac
cp -r complete-application/mysite/app/static mysite/app
cp -r complete-application/mysite/app/templates mysite/app

# windows
xcopy /e complete-application\mysite\app\static mysite\app
xcopy /e complete-application\mysite\app\templates mysite\app

There are only two lines in these templates related to authentication. In the home.html template, there is a login button.

<a class="button-lg" href="{% url 'oidc_authentication_init' %}">Login</a>

This URL is made available by the Mozilla plugin in the settings file. It directs the user to FusionAuth to log in, which then redirects back to your app account page.

In the account and change pages, there is a logout form.

<form id="logoutForm" class="button-lg"  action="{% url 'oidc_logout' %}" method="post">
  {% csrf_token %}
  <a class="button-lg" href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit();">Log out</a>

Log out has to be a form that submits a POST request to FusionAuth. Here you use an anchor element that is easy to style, but if your users might disable JavaScript, you could use a traditional form input element.

Run The Application

Update the default SQLite database and start your server.

python mysite/manage.py migrate
python mysite/manage.py runserver

You can now browse to the Django app.

Log in using richard@example.com and password. The change page will allow you to enter a number and see the result of the POST. Log out and verify that you can’t browse to the account page.

Made it this far? Want a free t-shirt? We got ya.

Thank you for spending some time getting familiar with FusionAuth.

*Offer only valid in the United States and Canada, while supplies last.

fusionauth tshirt

Next Steps

This quickstart is a great way to get a proof of concept up and running quickly, but to run your application in production, there are some things you're going to want to do.

FusionAuth Customization

FusionAuth gives you the ability to customize just about everything to do with the user's experience and the integration of your application. This includes:


Tenant and Application Management