Every App Needs Authentication. 

Don't get distracted building your own. FusionAuth is Auth built for developers. 

Talk With An Expert

Feature rich. Cost effective. When it comes to adding authentication to your upcoming project, go with an Auth platform built from a developer's point of view. 

FusionAuth helps you solve your Auth problem then scale up.

Self-host it, or we’ll host your private instance in our cloud.

Try it out for free, get engineering assistance to see how it solves your authentication and authorization problems.

Community edition is free with no volume limit. Or move up to advanced features, hosting, and engineering support with commercial plans.

Keep your devs in the driver's seat with flexibility, control, and developer ergonomics. 

What Real FusionAuth Developers Have to Say

I have been absolutely blown away with their offerings and even moreso with their support. Sure you can go pay 3-4x more with the other guys for the same product, but why?  Seriously check FusionAuth out and then thank me later.

James Janovich
Director of Development