/api/status response too big exponents
I'm taking a look at /api/status response and it should be very useful for insights into the system, error rates, configuration bottlenecks, and for scaling.
The json this generates is a real challenge to view. Postman handles it fine but tree viewers are struggling with it. One problem is due to excessively large exponents.
Example document:
"prime-mvc.[/admin/lambda/edit].requests": { "count": 10, "fifteenMinuteRate": 4.44659081257E-313, "fiveMinuteRate": 1.4821969375E-313, "maximum": 48.150635, "mean": 39.182320035497995, "meanRate": 6.46708454297529E-6, "median": 45.958017, "minimum": 23.08056, "ninetyEighthPercentile": 45.958017, "ninetyFifthPercentile": 45.958017, "ninetyNinePointNinthPercentile": 45.958017, "ninetyNinthPercentile": 45.958017, "oneMinuteRate": 2.964393875E-314, "seventyFifthPercentile": 45.958017, "standardDeviation": 8.809600064895186, "unit": "MILLIS" },
Is there any value in floats computed with such precision? Maybe they could all be truncated or rounded to 4 or 5 digits?
Wow, those are pretty close to zero! Seems like we could round once it gets to e-50 or something :).
This seems like a usability issue/bug.
Can you please file a github issue?