Plugging API Gateway with FusionAuth
I am going to use FusionAuth for my application for Authentication and Authorization.
Does FusionAuth have any in-built API Gateway that can help for API traffic management as well as uses FusionAuth natively for authenticating API clients?
If there is no built-in API Gateway, how can I plug FusionAuth from a third party API Gateway for authenticating API clients?
Suraj -
There is no built in API gateway, but I've heard of people using third party gateways such as hydra.
There's this forum post requesting similar info, but no docs or examples were found
That said, FusionAuth supports OIDC so the OIDC instructions for, say, nginx enterprise should work.
Do you have a specific third party gateway in mind?
Thanks a lot for response.
I am exploring Gluu and Gravitee for API Gateways. Will check out the post shared by you.