Is it possible to have multiple admins on a single FusionAuth instance? I created an "admin" group with all the permissions selected and then added a new user to this group. When I tried to login using this new user, I get this message
Your account does not have permissions to access the FusionAuth Admin Interface. Please contact your system administrator.
I'm running 1.16.1 and was able to add another admin. I did the following:
- added a admins group in the Groups tab. The only role I added to this group was the FusionAuth / admin role.
- added the user in the Users tab. I added the user to the admins group. I also added a registration for the FusionAuth application.
I was then able to open up an incognito window and log in as that new user.
It doesn't matter what group a user is in, if they don't have a registration for an application, they won't be authorized to use it. More here: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/core-concepts/registrations
Please let me know if that works for you.
I totally forgot to add the register the user manually to the FusionAuth application. It is working now, thank you!