Why is the fulltext-search with Elastic required?
Why is the fulltext-search with Elastic required (esp. when setting up a minimal environment, like for development)?
We built FusionAuth to scale to 100's of millions of users. We've been building a real time filter for user generated content and moderation platform called CleanSpeak for years - so we planned ahead so to speak. Using a traditional relational database to do full text queries is difficult and not efficient, so we leverage Elasticsearch here instead.
We have had clients that wish to embed FusionAuth and as such only expect 100's of users and have no need for Elasticsearch. There's an issue here discussing this feature: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-issues/issues/427 and the plan is to make ElasticSearch optional in the near future.
Note that with version 1.16.x, elastic search is no longer required to run FusionAuth. More here about how you might make the choice: https://fusionauth.io/community/forum/topic/67/what-is-the-advantage-of-using-elasticsearch-as-the-search-engine