user.action start event is not fired
I have configured a user action to block an account when a certain number of incorrect logins are made.
I need to receive an event and manage it through a webhook, but I only receive the completion event of the user action, I don't receive the start event of the action.
{ "event": { "action": "account_lock", "actionId": "f4be77a7-523d-4303-9c6b-87da509e9476", "actioneeUserId": "17ed2c81-ff78-46a8-890b-926eab3928e0", "comment": "Failed Login Attempts Exceeded.", "createInstant": 1648460915954, "emailedUser": false, "expiry": 1648460861030, "id": "cdf23fa5-ffd7-48d5-9566-fdb9f014df42", "localizedAction": "account_lock", "notifyUser": false, "phase": "end", "tenantId": "10a72b7e-05d2-41ae-b77a-db4357597073", "type": "user.action" } }
I have tried different combinations at the user action level but I can't get this start event to trigger. The user action completion event is triggered correctly and I receive it without problems.
Resolved in version 1.36.7 via