What is a best way to get info of user creator?
What is a best way to get information of user who has created activity.
For example created some user or modify some user from apis.
We can check created date and last updated date.
There are some work around. We can store in custom data (user data)Is there any way we can check user detail in user section.
@maitrey0388 Just to make sure I understand what you are asking, you want to see on the user details page anything that has been done by another user?
This is currently not possible. Two things that might help:
- Creating a user action whenever anyone modifies a user. This can have a record of the user who took the action and what the action was; it shows up under the 'User actions' section on the details screen. Make sure you create a time based user action. Here's more on that: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/user-actions and https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/actioning-users
- Use the audit logs. These already are created for any action taken inside the admin UI, but not for APIs (open issue) but you can create an audit log entry every time an API is called using another API. Audit logs are not accessible in the user details screen, but you can export them and/or view them in the admin UI.
Hope that helps.