Security Token Signature Key Not Found Exception: IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match key
I am running through the Integrate Your .NET 7 Application With FusionAuth quickstart guide and encountered the error listed below.
I think it has to do with following message in the guide:
The script set up a RS256 asymmetric signing key. FusionAuth supports this signing algorithm, but doesn't ship with a default key.How do I add the required key to FusionAuth?
Error Message:
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException: IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match key:
kid: '236bb45e-e88c-4f07-87ff-c93d6fb752a2'.
Number of keys in TokenValidationParameters: '0'.
Number of keys in Configuration: '0'.
Exceptions caught:
token: '{"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT","gty":["authorization_code"],"kid":"236cc45e-e88c-4f07-87ff-c93d6fb752a2"}.{"aud":"236bb45e-e88c-4f07-87ff-c93d6fb752a2","exp":1687312521,"iat":1687308921,"iss":"","sub":"e5e4a956-0f9d-4bec-9121-dededb20e00f","jti":"ca5d3d30-ef26-4e48-afcb-d5ba670ac2d4","authenticationType":"PING","email":"","email_verified":true,"at_hash":"ANWNkB4EA34d0cr1A50zQg","c_hash":"eCEeL-bgcDFkzcpmNT5k9g","scope":"openid profile","nonce":"634229057201762476.ZDQ1NzEzZWMtM2M4OS00ODgxLWI3ZmEtNjJhZWY0MzhlOWYzN2I4ODdhNmQtYTI2OS00OTc0LThhOWEtYzc2OGEzYmIzN2M3","sid":"4fe9dcc0-1ce9-4819-a97a-47c38cb730b8","auth_time":1687308921,"tid":"a51e69f7-520b-6860-2d33-d1e12f797af9"}'. -
You will have to add the key to your FusionAuth instance as in this post.
In the FusionAuth admin page, got to Settings --> Key Master
Click "Generate EC key pair"
Fill in the information - I used JWT Signature - Asymmetric RSA Key Pari (RS256) for the name
Go to to Applications in FusionAuth admin and select edit on your application.
Select the JWT tab
Select Enabled
In the JSON web token settings select the key you created in the above step.
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