Invalid redirect
It has been a year since I first complained about getting this error. I am wondering if there have been any revelations since that time? I have switched over from using my laptop with ngrok to using EC2. I am getting the same exact error (from the same code). Just as a reminder, I am sending the passwordless email to a user. When they click on it they get this popup from fusionAuth.
"error" : "invalid_request",
"error_description" : "Invalid redirect uri",
"error_reason" : "invalid_redirect_uri"
}Is there anyway to see what is causing this error?
And here is the code that causes that:
$request["applicationId"] = $_SESSION['applicationID_login']; $request["loginId"] = $email; $request["state"]["redirect_uri"] = ""; // $request["state"]["client_id"] = $_SESSION['applicationID_admin_register_login']; $request["state"]["client_id"] = $_SESSION['applicationID_login']; $request["state"]["response_type"] = "code"; $request["state"]["scope"] = "openid"; $request["state"]["state"] = "$email"; $requestJ = json_encode($request); //convert the array into json $result = $_SESSION['client']->withTenantId($_SESSION['tenantID_login'])->startPasswordlesslogin($requestJ); if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) { log_message('error', $result); } $code = $result->successResponse->code; //send the email $request = array(); $request["code"] = $code; $request["X-FusionAuth-TenantId"]=$_SESSION['tenantID_login']; $request["user"]["data"]["admin_email"] = $email; $requestJ = json_encode($request); //convert the array into json $result = $_SESSION['client']->sendPasswordlessCode($requestJ); if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) { log_message('error', $result); }
Are there any error messages in a log?
This post is deleted! -
The issue with the redirect URI specified in your code. FusionAuth is indicating that the redirect URI you provided is invalid.
The redirect URI must match the one registered for your FusionAuth application.