Does Fusionauth have an "impersonation" feature?
That would give an admin the ability to act as a given user for troubleshooting or other reasons?
This functionality isn't built in to FusionAuth.
This kind of identity assumption is usually pretty application specific, so I'd probably implement it at that layer (maybe by using something like if you are working in rails).
Please feel free to file an issue explaining the use case for this functionality in an identity provider:
You also might be able to use the Vend JWT API to create tokens as needed.
We actually just launched a feature using the Vend API to do impersonation. Seems to be work well so far.
Basically just pass in a UserId with the ApplicationId you wanted to impersonate (for us), call the GetUser API, and then build a claims map from User (roles, entity grants, etc) into the right structure and pass that JWT back to the calling app to leverage.