Create a Tenant using API with Golang
Hello guys I have been writing a Golang Operator that need to create a fusion auth Tenant and application, but I am facing a problem every time that a run the application the response is Bad request 400
Version Fusion auth : 1.15.8
There are some documentation with examples
Above my payload
Regards !
{ "tenant": { "emailConfiguration": { "host": "", "port": 1001, "security": "NONE", "verifyEmail": false, "verifyEmailWhenChanged": false }, "eventConfiguration": { "events": { "jwt.public-key.update": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.bulk.create": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.create": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.deactivate": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.delete": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.login.failed": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.login.success": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.reactivate": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.registration.create": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.registration.delete": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.registration.update": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" }, "user.update": { "enabled": false, "transactionType": "None" } } }, "externalIdentifierConfiguration": { "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30, "changePasswordIdGenerator": { "length": 32, "type": "randomBytes" }, "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600, "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800, "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": { "length": 6, "type": "randomAlphaNumeric" }, "emailVerificationIdGenerator": { "length": 32, "type": "randomBytes" }, "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400, "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300, "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60, "passwordlessLoginGenerator": { "length": 32, "type": "randomBytes" }, "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180, "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": { "length": 32, "type": "randomBytes" }, "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400, "setupPasswordIdGenerator": { "length": 32, "type": "randomBytes" }, "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400, "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300, "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000 }, "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": { "actionDuration": 3, "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES", "resetCountInSeconds": 60, "tooManyAttempts": 5 }, "familyConfiguration": { "allowChildRegistrations": true, "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false, "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30, "enabled": false, "maximumChildAge": 12, "minimumOwnerAge": 21, "parentEmailRequired": false }, "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600, "issuer": "hom.local", "jwtConfiguration": { "accessTokenKeyId": "00000-00000-0000-00000-0000000", "enabled": true, "idTokenKeyId": "000000-00000-000000-00000-000000", "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200, "timeToLiveInSeconds": 86400 }, "maximumPasswordAge": { "days": 15, "enabled": true }, "minimumPasswordAge": { "enabled": false, "seconds": 30 }, "name": "ws-company", "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": { "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256", "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000, "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false }, "passwordValidationRules": { "breachDetection": { "enabled": false }, "maxLength": 256, "minLength": 8, "rememberPreviousPasswords": { "count": 3, "enabled": true }, "requireMixedCase": true, "requireNonAlpha": true, "requireNumber": true, "validateOnLogin": false }, "themeId": "700000-000000-00000000-000000000000", "userDeletePolicy": { "unverified": { "enabled": false, "numberOfDaysToRetain": 0 } } } }
@milton-jesus is there a requirement leaving you on
?Have you tried with latest?
@Alex-Patterson Hello I am planning move to recent version, I solve this problem this morning some keys in payload were from new Fusionauth version
@milton-jesus awesome glad you solved it!!