Can you run fusionauth in AWS fargate?
FA on Fargate. anyone doing it? how many CPUs and what memory allocation are you using?
I have a 10 GB 2 vCPU container with 8GB allocated to FA. curious about what others are doing, or what EC2 instance sizes you are using.
The AWS cloudwatch memory usage alarm frequently bounces above/below the 80% threshold, and sometimes memory usage drops to almost nothing and then spikes up with no changes to the deployed infrastructure. (FA 1.17.4)
We are using fargate as well, and have allocated 1gb and 1/2 CPU... hasnt been through the ringer yet, but for java applications, memory increasing doesnt necessarily mean a memory leak, or even that it needs that much memory... just means the jvm doesnt GC for awhile (which certainly can be a good thing)
8GB is way plenty. 1 or 2GB is generally adequate, it can depend a bit, but FusionAuth doesn't keep much in RAM. Scaling out horizontallly is likely more effective than more ram per instance. This way you can handle more logins per second--these are going to be cpu bound.
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