Is it possible to change the Tenant issue domain?
I started fusionauth with one specific url
Now i would like to change the domain to sso.domain.example.
If I adjust the Issuer URL at the Tenant it doesn't update the Application URLs like
OAuth IdP login URL, Logout URL etc.Is there a way to adjust the FusionAuth domain?
If I use the new domain sso.domain.example i did get 403 Errors during login. -
@netstack , Adjusting the issuer URL at the Tenant level will not update the Applications URLs. If you have many applications and plan to change often, you can use the APIs to make sure all the applications get updated appropriately.
Please check out this as well:
After modifying the Tenant issuer, you should also update the JWT configuration for your applications:
Navigate to "Applications" in the admin UI.
Click on the edit icon for the application you want to update.
Go to the "JWT" tab.
Change both "Access token signing key" and "Id token signing key" to "Auto generate a new key on save...".
Save the application.
It's important to note that you must create new keys after modifying the Tenant because the Issuer field is embedded in the key. -
Hi @mark-robustelli ,
thanks for the fast reply.
For the JWT that was working perfectly. Now i also would like to adjust the "OAuth2 & OpenID Connect Integration details" .
On all custom Apps but also at the default "FusionAuth".Because there is also still the old domain instead of sso.domain.example .
I tried the same with re-generating and adjusting the URL's directly at the application. But still the URL's remain unchanged.
OAuth IdP login URL is still:
Tenant Issuer URL is: sso.domain.exampleAnd additional Info: For test purpose i also created a new Tenant with new domain: new.sso.domain.example and if I also create a new App and assign it to the new tenant also the new App does have the very old Domain . That's strange, i thought if I would create a new tenant and new application that they would have the "updated" domain already.
Thanks a lot!
@netstack hmm, Did I read this part correctly?
I tried the same with re-generating and adjusting the URL's directly at the application. But still the URL's remain unchanged.
Does this mean that even when you update the urls in the application, the change does not take. Or the change takes, but still does not work?
Would it be possible for you to send a screen shot of your config? Please be sure to redact any sensitive info before posting.