How do you make FusionAuth use Public IP on EC2?
I am currently trying out FusionAuth on EC2 as I wasn’t able to try it on my work PC for unrelated reason.
However, I’m not very good at networking, I was able to access the fusionauth admin page using localhost and etc, but I could not access any of the page/api using the EC2’s public IP, I’ve even made sure that security groups are configured properly, firewall and etc.
How do I make sure that one can access my FusionAuth Login Page/API over the internet using my EC2’s public IP?
I’ve also noticed that the FusionAuth is in “Development Mode” on the top right of the admin page highlighted in a red rectangle, I’m not sure if it had something to do with it. Any help are appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Hey If you are running on a VM in AWS its important to do a few things,
Best would be to set up a webserver or loadbalancer to proxy and do SSL termination to your fusionauth instance.
The webserver would run on port 80 and 443, All non SSL requests would need to be redirected to 443. Then you let the webserver proxy and forward all headers to your fusionauth instance on the port where you have fusionauth running.
As for development mode, you can set this with an environment variable on the server check out for more info on this.
Hope it helps and cheers!