[SearchEngineRequestFailedException] on PATCH user data
I'm running FusionAuth version 1.27.2, basic installation using the docker container, and have encountered this problem.
If I send a request to PATCH /api/user/{userId} (existing {userid}) with request body
{ "user": { "data": { "foo": { "value": "bar" } } } }
it returns the error
{ "generalErrors": [ { "code": "[SearchEngineRequestFailedException]", "message": "A request to the search index has failed. This error is unexpected. Please review the troubleshooting guide found in the documentation for assistance and the available support channels." } ] }
However, if I simply change the property name in the request body to
{ "user": { "data": { "fee": { "value": "bar" } } } }
the PATCH operation succeeds.
The error only occurs if the name is foo and the value for foo is an object. If the value for foo is a string
{ "user": { "data": { "foo": "bar" } } }
it works fine.
Can anyone else duplicate this? Any explanation?
@twilkinson that is interesting behavior indeed!
I was able to make an update to a user id using these commands:
If I send a request to PATCH /api/user/{userId} (existing {userid}) with request body
{ "user": { "data": { "foo": { "value": "bar" } } } }This leads me to think that something else might be going on with your FusionAuth installation.
There are a couple of things that it might be:
Consider Reindexing
https://fusionauth.io/community/forum/topic/375/seeing-a-request-to-the-search-index-has-failed-this-error-is-unexpected-and-i-can-no-longer-login-with-google -
Review how much disk space you have allocated
If that still does not solve the issue, post back and we can do some additional troubleshooting.
Josh -
Doing a Reindex fixed it - I'm new to FusionAuth and didn't know that operation was there.
Thanks for the help.