UUID to Custom ID
I'm a product manager (limited coding capabilities) trying out FA.
I have played around with the API and noticed that FA is translating my custom integer IDs into UUIDs and expects those for some requests.
Is it somehow possible to do these requests using the original custom ID?
If not, is there a simple way to take an custom ID and arrive at the UUID in Nodejs?
Thank you!
Hi @rvogelgsang,
Sorry to hear you are having trouble! If you had a bit more details that might be helpful.
For instance:
- What environment you are running FusionAuth in and what client package you are using? Sounds like maybe our typescript client?
- Where are you setting the custom ID and what errors are you seeing?
- An example code snippet if possible
- Additional context about what you are trying to achieve in your code
- etc
If this is ultimately a bug, we can file a bug report as well. Thanks and let us know!