FusionAuth not registering user in multiple Applications (GO-Client)
I am trying to use the go-client library to integrate fusionauth. Comments on the github repo (https://github.com/FusionAuth/go-client/blob/master/pkg/fusionauth/Client.go#L2761) say that if I only pass the UserRegistration object, the user will be registered for the application whose ID is provided.
But when I am trying to implement the same workflow, I am getting the following error"You must specify either the [user.email] or [user.username] property. If you are emailing the user you must specify the [user.email]. user.password: You must specify the [user.password] property."
This is how I am initializing the request for the API:
fusionauthrequest := fusionauth.RegistrationRequest{
Registration: fusionauth.UserRegistration{
ApplicationId: applicationId,
Username: request.Email,
} -