How to trim input fields
We are using FusionAuth Theme Templates where we designed our login page and so on.
We have the recurring problem that users enter their e-mail address with a space before or after the address and can not login. The same problem occurs on the 'Forgot password' page where they add a space an never receive the e-mail.Is it somehow possible to automatically trim the e-mail input, maybe with the helpers macro?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks and greetings from Germany
I just want to add +1 to this question, as we are in the exactly same position as a.hauck-groninger. Primarily, our users experience this when auto-filling a field on Android.
Thanks from Denmark
Just bumping this to the top. Is there anyone, who can help us out on this one?
There is an enhancement request, with a workaround, here.
(IMO, this is a bug.)
@fusionauth007 yo! I filed a Github report on this, check out Trim whitespace from user input on backend (username/emails) #1779
I’ve detailed a workaround we’ve got running in prod