Why does the registration endpoint not set HTTPOnly Cookies with Refresh Token like the Login Endpoint?
I've noticed that for the registration endpoint when I try to create a user and registration https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/registrations#create-a-user-and-registration-combined It returns the access and refresh token but they are not set as HTTPOnly cookies. Whereas when I login https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/login#authenticate-a-user or using identity provider https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/identity-providers/google#complete-the-google-login I get both the access and refresh token set as HTTPOnly cookies. So why does registration not have this? I want to be able to set my refresh token in a http only cookie after the user registers. In this case, would I need to make another request to the login end point right after registration to set a HTTPOnly cookie with the token? If that is the case, why am i getting the access and refresh token back from the registration call in the first place? Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Are you using javascript in the browser to register the user? Or a server running node (or some other language). If the latter, you could send down an
cookie based on the response of the registration.