How can I add SessionIndex as part of the AuthenStatement provided? Is there a way to add this using a Lamba Function?
Using FusionAuth as the Idp for our environment. We have a JFrog application (Artifactory) that is requiring the Optional SessionIndex as part of the AuthenStatement. Is there a way to pass this using a Lambda function that provides the additional attribute?
Unfortunately this looks like an open issue:
I didn't see any workarounds suggested. I'm sorry about this roadblock, but I don't think a lambda will help.
Here's the most applicable lambda, but I don't see any way to inject something into the authn statement.
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Issue 896 was resolved with the release of version 1.20. @tom-mauldin please download that version (or greater) and see if that resolves things.
Great! We will test this tomorrow. Thanks for the quick fix.
Tom M
We just did some testing and it appears that JFrog Artifactory can now use FusionAuth as a SAML ID Provider.
Thanks again for the quick work on this issue.
Tom M