Windows install directory problem
Ran the install script on Windows Server 2019 to "C:\Program Files". In multiple places in the startup.bat script, the files and directories referenced by "%~dp0" are not quoted, meaning it gets set to "C:\Program". After fixing those, something within the fusionauth-app still appears to have a directory reference issue also.
One workaround is obviously installing to a directory without spaces. Would be nice to have the default install process work to the typical Windows program directories. -
Thanks for posting. This looks like a bug to me. Can you please file an issue (feel free to reference this forum conversation)?
I'm glad to hear you found a workaround by installing to a directory without spaces. Still, I understand the desire to have the default install process work with the typical Windows program directories. Unfortunately, this is a known issue, and you're not alone in encountering it.
@chadterry Looks like issue 971 was completed.
Were you unable to use the latest version (1.43.0) when installing on windows to the typical windows program directories?