email for passwordless login
Here is the text from the email generated and sent. Notice that the address in the link is http://localhost. I am testing in Docker in localhost and I have used ngrok to forward requests to to be sent to -> http://localhost:8080 . Is this taken care of in the redirect_uri field? I can't seem to get into my actual host with this link. Do I need to change the path below? And if so do I do this through the UI or through the phpclient?
The administrator has requested for you to complete a survey. Please click on the below link. http://localhost:9011/oauth2/passwordless/zBim5VyvpKnmLSj7IVENec30PC5d3wEx5VbopuBlXV8?tenantId=34303566-6466-3234-6565-656233663263&client_id=32688330-1630-4e0d-a4de-8ae45c3ca527& - Research Credit Study Admin
I am thinking that the issue is that fusionauth is automatically using ITS installation directory. So where can I change locahost to ??
I think you want to edit the email template directly.
Navigate to "Customizations -> "Email Templates" and find your template, and update that with the host.