@mark-robustelli Yes, the configuration is using the SSL private key and certificate properties through environment variables with SSL enabled. Specifically the FUSIONAUTH_APP_HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY, FUSIONAUTH_APP_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE, and FUSIONAUTH_APP_HTTPS_ENABLED environment variables.
Large API or admin call wise, the most obvious thing I've seen is going into the admin application and just try to edit or create a tenant, you don't have to change anything if editing, and try to hit save. Creating/editing a tenant or creating/editing an API key at minimum are the most obvious places I've consistently seen the issue. API calls for these same functions, tenant add/edit and API key add/edit, have the same issue.
I haven't done a lot of parallel request testing but the application for everything else still seems ok while these specific requests are erroring. These large calls will fail and an error will be in the container logs but everything else stays up and continues to run.
Let me know if I can provide more information.