Hi everyone, is there a way to extend the SSO session programmatically? I'm wondering if even redirecting the user to the login page while still logged will extend the SSO session.
Thank you.
Hi everyone, is there a way to extend the SSO session programmatically? I'm wondering if even redirecting the user to the login page while still logged will extend the SSO session.
Thank you.
@andres-garcia Nothing to do here? somebody?
Hi there I'm trying to integrate with docebo.com but I'm getting this error
The error code is [InvalidNameIDPolicy] and the error message is [The AuthnRequest contained an invalid NameID policy. FusionAuth only supports the following NameID formats [urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified].]
I noticed this in the auth request
<samlp:NameIDPolicy Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient" AllowCreate="true"/>
There is any way I can solve this problem or Docebo is not compatible with fusionauth =(
I'm using version 1.30.2
Hey @joshua, I was trying to provision an external service when my user logged in, and I was thinking to use a connector to get the request and then fallback to FusionAuth authentication. Still, I realized that when the user is already created on FusionAuth it never touch the other connector. So I was trying to do it that way because I can't provision the service async using the webhooks.
There is any way to update or change the connectorId of an already created user?
Hi everyone I wonder if this scenario is doable using FusionAuth
I have my FusionAuth installed and two Applications, App A and App B
App A sign-in with FusionAuth through PHP using /api/login endpoint and that works great.
App B sign-in with FusionAuth using SAML as a service provider and also works great.
But I have a problem right now that is I would like that my already logged in users in App A can Sign-in in App B without entering username and password again, so that is basically SSO the question is there is any way to initiate an SSO session using the /api/login endpoint instead of using the standard hosted login page.
Thank you and you have a really wonderful product.