Hi @Joshua,

It seems this is working as expected as @egis described. FusionAuth needs to find an email claim in the response from the userinfo endpoint (or username, depending on the linking method) before running the reconcile lambda. I confirmed this by linking on username instead and setting preferred_username to sub and was able to confirm that the reconcile lambda executed. I had mistakenly thought that the lambda ran before linking occurred and could be used to populate email.

In my case, the issue is that my IDP (AzureAD) does not return email from the userinfo endpoint. AzureAD is very restricted in what it returns from the userinfo endpoint and allows not customization or claim mapping. It seems AzureAD populates the email claim with Primary SMTP email address, which is reserved field from Exchange, however we don't use Exchange/Outlook365 as our email service provider.

In Azure, claim mapping can only be applied to the access and id tokens and not what is returned from the userinfo endpoint. However, these tokens are not available to the lambdas.

I believe there is already a Github issue created for this:

In the meantime, I'm using SAML instead, because AzureAD allows me to map email address to user.mail which is where it is stored in our case.