@kiouplidis I found this in the documentation.

In version 1.50.0 and later, the UserInfo response can be customized with a lambda using the oauthConfiguration.userinfoPopulateLambda value of the application object. See UserInfo populate lambda.

In FusionAuth, you can add custom data to the oauth2/userinfo endpoint response using a Lambda function. This function can add extra claims to the UserInfo response. Here's an example of a simple Lambda function that adds a few extra claims:

function populate(userInfo, user, registration, jwt) { // Add a new claim named 'favoriteColor' from a custom data attribute on the user userInfo.favoriteColor = user.data.favoriteColor; // Add a new claim named 'dept' using a custom data attribute on the registration userInfo.dept = registration.data.departmentName; // Copy a claim named 'applicationId' from the provided JWT userInfo.applicationId = jwt.applicationId; // Create an event log of type 'Debug' when the lambda has Debug enabled console.debug('Added custom claims to the UserInfo response'); }

In this example, the favoriteColor and dept are custom claims added to the UserInfo response. These claims are derived from the custom data attributes on the user and registration respectively.
Please note that the Lambda function needs to be assigned to an application in FusionAuth for it to take effect.