Hi @Joshua,
Along with the web app, I have a backend ASP.Net Core Web API that is secured with Authorization that the web app is accessing. I need to be able to verify that a user is authenticated, is assigned to an appropriate role, and which tenant they are assigned to before allowing access to the api.
Currently, I am trying to use the following auth flow:
user is navigated to login page for specific tenant on web app
click login button and authenticate to FusionAuth (my app) auth endpoint
web app receives authentication token for user
web app exchanges auth token for access/refresh token at FusionAuth (my app) endpoint
web app makes call to Web API passing access token
Web API verifies token against FusionAuth (my app) endpoint
Web API pulls user claims from token for role(s) and tenant, if verified returns data back to web app
Additionally, web app and Web API persist auth access/refresh token for future calls to the Web API so user doesn't have to repeat auth on subsequent calls, barring token expiration
I'm sure I'm making this harder than what it is but I've not used FusionAuth before. Mostly, it seems that the difficulty is coming from the the fact that I'm using multi-tenancy in FusionAuth, otherwise it would be pretty straight forward. I've used this pattern with Azure AD B2C, however that doesn't readily support multi-tenancy which is the the main reason I'm trying to use FusionAuth's multi-tenant support.
Hope this helps you to better understand what Im trying to achieve. It is definitely possible I'm approaching this all the wrong way, so I value your input.
Thank, again.