I bulk registered some test users into my system a while back, prior to the release of v1.27.0. We are now on v1.30.0. While my users have accounts and are registered to my application, the registration isn't verified. I now get the 213 status back instead of 200.
I'm updating my code to handle this. Per the API docs it says that:
The user’s registration has not yet been verified. The response will contain the User object that was authenticated. If the emailConfiguration.verificationStrategy has been set to FormField, the response will contain the registrationVerificationId that was generated for the user.
I went into the Application's Registration settings and set the verification strategy to Form field:
However, when I make a call to login my user in, even though I get the 213 status, and I see verified: false in the user.registrations array (I only have a single registration), I still don't have a registrationVerificationId. Model looks like:
"registrations": [
"applicationid": "cb372f8c-3742-7189-ab29-4ae5ed5e7ca5",
"id": "effd1se2-6ccb-4c59-89a6-33a965234987",
"insertinstant": 1617025021232,
"lastlogininstant": 1629840206323,
"lastupdateinstant": 1617025021232,
"preferredlanguages": [
"timezone": "America/Chicago",
"username": "johndoe@someemail.com",
"usernamestatus": "ACTIVE",
"verified": false
Did I do something incorrectly here? Am I missing something? Is this a bug? I searched and didn't find much info about this issue.