@podnebesnyp said in How to implement multi-tenancy in fusionauth:

Does FustionAuth have the ability to create the application with many tenants or without selected tenant?

Or is there an idea to have a base application for multi-tenancy as described here https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/guides/multi-tenant#why-use-multi-tenancy

Yes, FusionAuth has the ability to create applications with multiple tenants, as well as the ability to create applications without selecting a specific tenant.
Applications can be created with the option to enable multi-tenancy, which allows for the creation and management of multiple tenants within the same application. This can be useful for scenarios where you need to separate data or functionality between different groups of users or organizations.
On the other hand, you can also create applications without enabling multi-tenancy, which means that all users would be considered part of the same tenant. This can be useful for simpler applications that do not require separation of data or functionality between different groups.