Thank you, --hex-blob worked
Best posts made by spfarran
Error loading mysql backup
On a Fusionauth 1.27 instance, I'm generating a backup with mysqldump from mysql 8.0.21 as follows:
mysqldump -u user --password=password --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --extended-insert fusionauth > fusionauth.sql
I've also tried without extra parameters like extended-insert and the same is happening.
When i load the backup i get this error
23000][1062] Duplicate entry 'c\x1E\xCD\x9D\xEF\xBF\xBD@L\x13\xEF\xBF\xBDw\xEF\xBF' for key 'application_roles.PRIMARY'
As I can see default roles created by Fusionauth(admin, theme_editor, etc) are which have repeated keys, at least it seems in binary(16);
Is someone experiencing the same?