I followed react sdk example https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-quickstart-javascript-react-web/tree/main
I changed in kickstart tenant issuer to
"issuer": "http://fusionauth.localhost:9011"
and variables to
"allowedOrigin": "http://fusionauth.localhost:4000",
"authorizedRedirectURL": "http://fusionauth.localhost:4000",
"authorizedPostLogoutURL": "http://fusionauth.localhost:4000/logged-out",
"authorizedOriginURL": "http://fusionauth.localhost:4000",
"logoutURL": "http://fusionauth.localhost:4000",
and started fusion auth in docker compose, also specified env var:
For react sdk use this config:
const config: FusionAuthProviderConfig = {
clientId: "e9fdb985-9173-4e01-9d73-ac2d60d1dc8e",
// even started my app under the same local domain
redirectUri: "http://fusionauth.localhost:4000",
postLogoutRedirectUri: "http://localhost:4000/logged-out",
// serverUrl: "http://localhost:9011", // this one works
serverUrl: "http://fusionauth.localhost:9011",
shouldAutoFetchUserInfo: true,
shouldAutoRefresh: true,
onRedirect: (state?: string) => {
console.log(`Redirect happened with state value: ${state}`);
scope: "openid email profile offline_access",
And when I log in and am redirected back to my app, fusion auth hook does not show me that I am logged in(it does not even send any requests I checked network). But when I strip everywhere fusionauth.
prefix then everything works fine. Why does not fusion auth work locally with custom domains?
Cookies on my local app fusionauth.localhost:4000
are also saved after I logged in: https://freeimage.host/i/3FVbSJs
And when I click login button again (or invoke startLogin
function from useFusionAuth
hook) I am redirected right away to the app since I am logged in. But isLoggedIn
is false and useFusionAuth
hook does not recognize that user is logged in.
(I have mapped fusionauth.localhost
to localhost
in my hosts file locally)
#docker #react-sdk