Indexed User Fields

If you are using the Elasticsearch engine, you can search for users by the following attributes.

Name Description
active Whether the user is active.
birthDate The birthdate of the user.
breachedPasswordLastCheckedInstant The date the user's password was last checked for breach, as an Instant.
breachedPasswordStatus The user's breached password status.
data The user's data object. This is arbitrary JSON and all fields in this object are indexed.
email The user's email address.
fullName The full name of the user.
id The Id of the user.
insertInstant The date the user was inserted, as an Instant.
lastLoginInstant The date the user last logged in, as an Instant.
lastUpdateInstant The date the user was most recently updated, as an Instant.
login The login identifier of the user.
memberships The groups the user is a member of. See the memberships field of the User object for details.
mobilePhone The mobile phone number associated with the user.
parentEmail The parent email associated with this user.
preferredLanguages A list of the locales of the preferred languages of the user.
registrations The registrations for the user. See the Registration object for details.
tenantId The tenant Id of the tenant of which the user is a member.
timezone The timezone of the user.
twoFactor The two factor configuration of the user. See the twoFactor field of the User object for details.
username The username of the user.
verified Whether or not the user's email address has been verified.
verifiedInstant The date the user's email address was verified, as an Instant. Available since 1.48.0