Indexed User Fields
If you are using the Elasticsearch engine, you can search for users by the following attributes.
Name | Description |
active | Whether the user is active. |
birthDate | The birthdate of the user. |
breachedPasswordLastCheckedInstant | The date the user's password was last checked for breach, as an Instant. |
breachedPasswordStatus | The user's breached password status. |
data | The user's data object. This is arbitrary JSON and all fields in this object are indexed. |
email | The user's email address. |
fullName | The full name of the user. |
id | The Id of the user. |
insertInstant | The date the user was inserted, as an Instant. |
lastLoginInstant | The date the user last logged in, as an Instant. |
lastUpdateInstant | The date the user was most recently updated, as an Instant. |
login | The login identifier of the user. |
memberships | The groups the user is a member of. See the memberships field of the User object for details. |
mobilePhone | The mobile phone number associated with the user. |
parentEmail | The parent email associated with this user. |
preferredLanguages | A list of the locales of the preferred languages of the user. |
registrations | The registrations for the user. See the Registration object for details. |
tenantId | The tenant Id of the tenant of which the user is a member. |
timezone | The timezone of the user. |
twoFactor | The two factor configuration of the user. See the twoFactor field of the User object for details. |
username | The username of the user. |
verified | Whether or not the user's email address has been verified. |
verifiedInstant | The date the user's email address was verified, as an Instant. Available since 1.48.0 |