I'm attempting to configure the google identity provider with our application, however, I'm finding that regardless of whether I choose the "use popup for login" or "use redirect for login" it always creates a popup and never actually logs in, stuck at this loading screen
I've configured a published web application on google cloud, with an authorized redirect URL at https://appdomain.fusionauth.io/oauth2/authorize, and a JavaScript origin at the homepage, but a login does give any information within fusion auth in the event logs, and does not provide indication that a link(which is done on email) has been created for the user between google and fusionauth when observing account links. Is there something that I am missing from the setup? I followed this tutorial quite precisely https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/identity-providers/google, but no matter how much I change settings there's just nothing happening in the login, with no information being provided why.