Issues configuring Google Identity provider for fusion auth
I'm attempting to configure the google identity provider with our application, however, I'm finding that regardless of whether I choose the "use popup for login" or "use redirect for login" it always creates a popup and never actually logs in, stuck at this loading screen
I've configured a published web application on google cloud, with an authorized redirect URL at, and a JavaScript origin at the homepage, but a login does give any information within fusion auth in the event logs, and does not provide indication that a link(which is done on email) has been created for the user between google and fusionauth when observing account links. Is there something that I am missing from the setup? I followed this tutorial quite precisely, but no matter how much I change settings there's just nothing happening in the login, with no information being provided why.
Hiya @kirill-melnikov-dev-test
Thanks for using FusionAuth!
What version of FusionAuth are you running?
Have you tried the redirect method instead of the popup method?
What do you see in the Error Log when you turn on debugging?
You can also try a straight OIDC Identity Provider.