Cloud q's
Can you share any specific details about the basic cloud option with Sydney as the selected region?
What class / size VM is it on, which database and where is the db hosted? Basic is a single node only? Does 'cloud' create any restrictions in addition to Community edition when self hosted?
We need the custom domain. Our MAU is very low and we are pinching pennies but the basic tier is starting to look attractive.
Basic is a single node and is recommended for development purposes. For the basic plan, the database is collocated on the server.
I'll ask about the VM sizes and the database type.
The main restriction in the 'cloud' as opposed to self hosted community edition is that you won't have access to the server or database. We don't allow access to these for security reasons (more here).
You'll be interacting with the server via the FusionAuth management interface or filing support tickets (which of course is one of the benefits--if there's an issue with connectivity or you want to upgrade a version, it's our problem, not yours).
That said, if you are looking for a custom domain, you have two options, neither of which is the basic plan.
- If you want to use FusionAuth cloud, you need to choose the High-Availability plan.
- You can self host and set up the custom name yourself.
Here are the VM sizes (all on AWS):
medium == t3.medium large == m5.large xlarge == m5.xlarge
These are correct as of the time I write this, but of course may change over time.
The database used is postgresql.
@dan - very useful. Thanks for the replies.