"missing search index" error message on install
We're trying to setup a new environment and when starting up I see this in the logs repeatedly:
INFO com.inversoft.maintenance.search.ElasticsearchMaintenanceModeSearchService - Missing search index [fusionauth_user] INFO com.inversoft.maintenance.search.ElasticsearchMaintenanceModeSearchService - Connecting to Search Engine at [https://hostname] INFO com.inversoft.maintenance.search.ElasticsearchMaintenanceModeSearchService - Missing search index [fusionauth_user]
Any idea what could be causing this issue? Is FusionAuth not communicating with the new ES cluster correctly?
If this is a new install, this is expected. During startup, FusionAuth goes into maintenance mode and reports back on the state of the system.
If you are in silent mode, the index will be created for you, if you are not in silent mode, FusionAuth will have entered an interactive startup mode and it is sitting on a prompt for you to create the Elasticsearch index.