fusionauth websockets?
Is it possible to use websocket connection to receive data from fusionauth?
Can you tell us a bit more about what you are trying to do?
let's say I would like to retrieve all users list in WebSocket connection. Is that possible? Also, this is off topic, but I would like to know couple more things. Is it possible to track online users? Because for some reason usernameStatus and active properties always stays true even if user is not logged in
@audrew31 I have never built in websockets so I'm not sure. The current version of FusionAuth is built on tomcat, so if tomcat supports websockets, FusionAuth should as well.
If you are looking for whether a user is logged in or not, you want to pull their refresh tokens. More details here: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/jwt
@dan Sorry, so fusionauth interface doesn't provide the user's online status info when jwt provided?
A JWT is stateless, so there's no 'online status'.
FusionAuth does tell you if a user has a valid refresh token, and that's the closest thing it offers.
Here's some more information about tokens that might be helpful to you: https://fusionauth.io/learn/expert-advice/tokens/
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