What are the strengths of FusionAuth compared to an open source library like django-allauth?
When considering how to add auth to my django application, why would I choose FA?
First, django-allauth supports an impressive list of providers. FusionAuth can support most of them using our generic OIDC connector, but kudos to the django-allauth team! If you are sure you only are building one django app, it's a good choice (and way better than rolling your own auth lib--please don't do that).
I'm not super familiar with django-allauth, but I did a bit of research. I think the reasons to use FusionAuth rather than django-allauth are:
- centralized user management and control, even if you use a social provider. This scales to multiple applications within one tenant (so a django app and an open source forum app like nodebb can share a userbase; each user has the same username/email and password for each app) and multiple tenants (so you can have django app A and django app B totally separated, with different usernames/emails and passwords, if you're whitelabelling your app)
- ability to integrate with other auth providers using non OAuth protocols, like SAML
- FA is a single app, as opposed to a set of extensions you need to find, merge together, and keep in sync. You just drop it in and it works.
- additional features that you might not know you need until you need them (and have to build or evaluate/integrate a different library):
- passwordless
- consents
- family grouping
- webhooks for integration on user changes
- user actions
- groups
- jwt generation
- DAU/MAU reporting
- 2fa (I saw a 2fa plugin for this, but it was supported version 0.25 and django-allauth is at 0.42)
In short, FA is a full user management system, as opposed to an authentication and authorization plugin like django-allauth.