JWT claims and Identity Provider
I configured Fusionauth for the authentication on my API, so far working fine.
I linked some external accounts (other Identity Provider) to some Fusionauth users, the authentication works fine as well.
Now i wonder if I can retrieve in a claim of the JWT from which identity provider the user account is linked to ? The authentication is managed by Fusionauth, but is there a way to know if that user has a linked account, just reading the claims of the JWT ? I would like to differentiate FA's user without linked from users with linked account
Thank you
You could do this in a couple of different ways.
You should be able to examine the
claim, as documented here: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/oauth/tokens#access-tokenYou could create a custom reconcile lambda for the Identity Provider and set a custom claim, as documented here: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/lambdas/google-reconcile (for google, there are analogous lambdas for every Identity Provider).
Note that a user could be linked to more than one Identity Provider, so you should plan to handle that edge case.
Hope that helps.
@dan Thank you, yes I can use lamba, i did give it a try and it works fine
The authentication type does works too, but maybe more in a "workaround way".Thanks