Example Request: FusionAuth / Spring Boot / React
Is there a good example of integrating Fusion Auth with a Spring Boot Backend and ReactJS Frontend?
Thanks for the question - we have an example overview page with a few tutorials that cover what you are requesting
Josh -
@joshua Thank you for your response. I looked over the examples and they don't paint the whole picture. For example the Spring Security gives a Spring Boot application to configure the backend server; but it uses Freemarker templates as static resources instead of a React Frontend. The React example on the other hand communicates to a Node server instead of Spring Boot and even then I don't know if this configuration is "safe" https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-example-react/blob/master/config.js#L4
Can you expand on what you mean by the word "safe"?
We may be missing an exact tutorial for your use case, but you can open an issue so that we can consider adding this to our documentation.
Josh -
@joshua After digging deeper in the code it looks like this is actually a shared configuration file between the frontend and backend (which was a little confusing). But it doesn't look like the client actually uses the secrets or apiKey which is what I didn't think was safe. So I think I am good for now. Thank you for following up with me.
I'm understanding the Node JS side more ... I may be able to replicate this behavior in Spring Boot. If so I'll share my findings and maybe you guys can add this to your examples for future users.