Mysql on ubuntu
I download the FusionAuth on my windows machine and after some stuggle I get it working with MySql database. Then I download fresh copy of FA (just app no docker or anything) and upload to my ubuntu server. copy the mySql Connecotr 8.0.33 editon to lib folder as document says.
but it is not connecting to database. I am stuck at installation screen. where I only get it working once with my Root password to create database, but it create half database before it lost connection. So I create blank database and username password and try to proceed. it is not connecting..
Now I copy my Windows database to server and give username password to in .properties file but it is not connecting and redirecting me to installation screen. where it is giving error as
The user for the username you provided was either created or already existed but could not be granted access to the database. The error from the database was [No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://].
My server is on same LAN in data center and my php apps are connecting file with give authentication but not FA.
@truearrowsoftware Hmmm. Based on what you've said, this seems like a JDBC connection error, because:
- php apps can connect
- FusionAuth has trouble connecting (you mentioned that two times)
When I'm troubleshooting issues like this, I like to isolate things. Is there any way you can write a small java program to make sure it can connect to your mysql database using the connection string?
Another alternative would be to run the database SQL against mysql manually. You can find it here: Then FusionAuth won't have to create any tables or anything.
@dan Thanks for reply. I manage to solve it but not fully. I was using Direct Download version first and that is where it was not connecting. Then I use DEbian installation method and it connect using same Connector file I use for direct download to mysql 5.7 (but it doesn't connect to Mysql 8.0.32 server )
It works fine except that now SQL query it runs for application and Tenant page has error I create issue in Github here: Not sure it is related (as in some installation error occur ) or it is just programming bug.
@truearrowsoftware Weird.
We won't fix that bug because we don't support mysql 5.7 any more (per ).
When you try to connect to mysql8, do you see any log messages in the startup screen or under /usr/local/fusionauth that seem relevant to share?