Connector service docs say it needs only, but fails it not given email too
I think this might be a bug.
I made a web service for a Connector that returned:
return response.status(200).json({ user: { 'id': '647978c5-01a0-49b8-8f4f-daab25e7ce63', 'password': 'password', 'active': true } });
FusionAuth System Event Log said I hadn't given it a unique id, which is not true:
Generic Connector Debug Log for [Test] with Id [b9a215ed-3078-4339-9638-62416fd20837]. 3/20/2024 01:58:58 PM Z Attempting authentication request to application with Id [e9fdb985-9173-4e01-9d73-ac2d60d1dc8e] from IP address [] for [] against the URL [http://host.docker.internal:6252]. 3/20/2024 01:59:00 PM Z Endpoint returned status code [200]. 3/20/2024 01:59:00 PM Z Connector User: { "active" : true, "connectorId" : "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72", "data" : { "hi" : "hi!" }, "id" : "647978c5-01a0-49b8-8f4f-daab25e7ce63", "memberships" : [ ], "passwordChangeRequired" : false, "preferredLanguages" : [ ], "registrations" : [ ], "twoFactor" : { "methods" : [ ], "recoveryCodes" : [ ] }, "usernameStatus" : "ACTIVE", "verified" : false } 3/20/2024 01:59:00 PM Z . WARNING DISCARDING USER Connector because it was missing a unique id in the [] or enough information to store in FusionAuth (i.e. an email or username).
If I changed my service to instead return the below, the Connector works and logs me in.
return response.status(200).json({ user: { 'id': '647978c5-01a0-49b8-8f4f-daab25e7ce63', 'password': 'password', 'active': true, 'email': email, 'username': email } });
Either a Connector should work with only a UUID, or the code and docs should change to say it requires email and username too.
Hmmm. Which docs were you looking at? says:
If you are migrating a user, you must provide the following fields in the user object you return.
user.username or a FusionAuth compatible UUID
If you are authenticating a user, you must provide the following fields in the user object you return.
user.username or a FusionAuth compatible UUID
If there's another place in the docs that state that email/username is not required, would love to correct it.
@dan Oh I see. The error in the response says:
"because it was missing a unique id in the [] or enough information to store in FusionAuth (i.e. an email or username)"
In other words, "either Id or email" is missing from your request. Which makes boolean sense when thinking about it carefully.
But when first reading it, I though it meant "you need either Id or email", which is very different. I supplied one of those. I though that was what the "or" meant.
This error could be better as:
"because it was missing a unique id in the [] or enough information to store in FusionAuth (i.e. an email or username). Both are necessary"