What is the relationship between Tenants, SCIM Entity Types, and SCIM Entities?
To create a User in a Tenant with SCIM, you have to create a client and server entity, and enable SCIM for the Tenant linked to the SCIM Entity Type, not to the SCIM Entity.
How exactly does this work? Why is there no relationship between the entity and the tenant? I could have multiple SCIM server and client entities, with different permissions, but the Tenant ignores all that and considers only the default SCIM Entity Type when allowing you to create or delete a user.
@fusionauth-qhj5e Are you currently trying to set up multiple SCIM server and client entities? Can you give us a little more background on how you are trying to configure things? There may not be a way to implement multiple SCIM Entity Types, but could be a feature request. Explaining the use case in detail, could help the team to prioritize.
@mark-robustelli Thanks. I'm configuring a single SCIM tenant with a client. I want to understand why tenants use entity types instead of entities, and how the permissions relate, so I can document it.
@fusionauth-qhj5e Here is some documentation on the subject. Hope it helps.