Use of the PHP API?
I need to send in a request to register and login a user. My app uses CodeIgniter. I understand that my app needs to fill in this structure with my own data and then send it:
"applicationId": "10000000-0000-0002-0000-000000000001",
"loginId": "",
"state": {
"client_id": "10000000-0000-0002-0000-000000000001",
"redirect_uri": "",
"response_type": "code",
"scope": "openid",
"state": "CSRF123"
Is there any example code? I have already initialized the $client. I am not sure how to create a json structure in PHP. I am also not sure how to submit it in PHP? Any examples I could copy? -
You might want to check out this blog post: which has some PHP client library examples.
Perfect. thx
I am trying to register and login my user via php API. Here is my $request:
$request = array();
$request["applicationId"] = $applicationId;
$request["loginId"] = "";
$request["password"] = "";
$result =$_SESSION['client']->login($request);
if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) {
// Error
}$result is returning null and thus failing. Any idea where I would look to solve this? Is there a different function for register/login? Or do I have to manually register this user prior to logging him in? I am trying to find the list of API functions?
I think you want the
to be part of a registration object.$registrations = []; $registration = []; $registration['applicationId'] = $appid; array_push($registrations, $registration); $user['registrations'] = $registrations;
I am confused by this response. I found the register() function in the php client documentation. It should be register($userid,$request);. For the $userid I am planning on using the email_address. For the $request I plan on using this:
$applicationId = "32688330-1630-4e0d-a4de-8ae45c3ca527";
$request = array();
$request["applicationId"] = $applicationId;
$request["loginId"] = $post_array[employee_email];
$request["password"] = "";So it would be register($post_array[employee_email],$request);
Is this the proper API call to register a user? This is returning a $result->errorResponse of null.
successResponse=nullWhat does this mean? Was the install bad?
This line seems to have executed correctly (I think)
$_SESSION['client'] = new FusionAuth\FusionAuthClient($apiKey, "http://localhost:9011");