Created the github issue -
Posts made by aleksandr.vits-rimer
RE: Issuing Signature failed tokens
RE: Issuing Signature failed tokens
Thank you for your answer. The jwt token validation is unrelated to the library because I have the same behaviour on the python validator on the different microservice. (I checked signature failed on 3 different environments, including manual checking on my local machine)
I noticed it happening spikely and probably related to the same spikes on the ES cluster. Is it possible that issuing the new jwt depends on ES health?
I see GC problems at the same time on my ES cluster and that is why I'm asking.
This is a public key (better to remove it before publishing if it is possible)(removed)
RE: Issuing Signature failed tokens
Hi, any updates here?
My token is valid for a year, but the signature failed for it. And it was issued by vend endpoint from FA. And it was signed by a key that was generated via "generate elliptic" button in the FA admin. -
Issuing Signature failed tokens
Hi FusionAuth team, FA API has a weird behaviour when issuing JWT tokens.
Error example:
Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException: Signature verification failed in /vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php:141
The setup is working well, but from time to time FA can generate an invalid access token. It happened 5 times over the weekend - rarely, but it does.
I use elliptic certificates, customers and guest JWT tokens and both were affected.
For the customers - I use lambda to fill custom claims, but for the guest - I use vend endpoint - so it's not related to the way to issue it.
Could you help me with it?
The invalid guest token:eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Il9YZkZkRUlwN24yTEdkcVJjUGdtQVcxM1NMWSJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2ODgzNjg3ODEsImlhdCI6MTY1NjgxMTg0MSwianRpIjoiNGE1ODNjZDMtZDllZS00ZjExLWE3M2YtYTJkOTk5YzNmNzBkIiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb25JZCI6ImMyNDMyMWZhLTc5OTctNDRjMy04ZGVkLTI1MGEyMjNkNDQ5YSIsImN1c3RvbWVySWQiOjAsImN1c3RvbWVyR3JvdXBJZCI6MCwic3RvcmVUeXBlIjoxLCJmYVVzZXJJZCI6MCwic3RvcmVJZCI6MSwid2Vic2l0ZUlkIjoxLCJsb2NhbGUiOiJlbl9HQiJ9.AGwaLswrLuwvOHpwcf4ayrLp8OLBB2XLXSl05oKNpABGH7j4dRbOaRhmZD5vZm4eZxICWsaWCzSowNLzsLxL6g